King Jesus Roundtable

Inspired by Jesus’ prayer in John 17, the King Jesus Roundtable was formed to unite Christian leaders globally as one body in Christ. Together, we strive to fulfill His vision for oneness and reflect His love to the world.

After years of gathering in Jesus Roundtable meetings—where Christian leaders sought the Lord’s heart for what He desired to release on the earth—a unified document of Oneness emerged as the clear direction. This document represents a call to set aside theological differences, which could be debated endlessly, and instead focus on a simple, undeniable spiritual truth: that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Such a unified declaration would be a monumental step toward fulfilling Jesus’ prayer to the Father: “on earth as it is in heaven”and the Oneness He longed for among His followers.

Agreeing to this statement has the potential to bring an end to many divisions, misconceptions, and falsehoods—misunderstandings that have long hindered the Church. It would stand as a foundational rock of shared belief for all Christians, transcending denomination, race, or creed. The signing of this declaration would not only hold historical significance here on earth but would also echo in Heaven as a testament to unity in Christ.

Review the Declaration

Please take a moment to read the full declaration.

Read the Declaration

Unity Across the Nations

Total Signatories


Countries Represented


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